Resetting the Dodge PCM


Some jobs can easily be done at home. All you need is a bit of guidance. Resetting the powertrain control module (PCM) is one such task. So what exactly is a PCM? A PCM is basically an ECU or electronic control unit which is commonly used in a motor vehicle. […]

Does GPS Vehicle Tracking Equate to ‘Big Brother?’


When people ask about my business, I tell them, “My company offers GPS vehicle tracking systems.” Their response lets me know whether they are an employee or a business owner. The first words out of the mouth of an employee is: “Sounds like ‘Big Brother’ to me.” Oh no, not […]

How to Take Care of Your Car Headlights


It is a common occurrence on the road – gleaming cars with sleek bodies, washed and polished to a fault, sporting yellowed, cloudy headlights! You see dirty, unkempt, cloudy, scratched headlights on old cars and you see them on swanky new cars. It is surprising that people would go through […]

Precautions to Take While Replacing an Electric Fuel Pump


The fuel pump, the heart of a vehicle’s fuel delivery system, is a crucial component that enables proper functioning of a vehicle’s engine. A faulty fuel pump not only starves the engine of fuel but also damages various components of the fuel delivery system. Identifying and replacing as soon as […]

The Need For An Entertainment Lawyer In Film Production


Does the film producer really need a film lawyer or entertainment attorney as a matter of professional practice? An entertainment lawyer’s own bias and my stacking of the question notwithstanding, which might naturally indicate a “yes” answer 100% of the time – the forthright answer is, “it depends”. A number […]

How Do Hybrid Vehicles Get That Great Gas Mileage?


The term that really applies is HEV, which stands for hybrid electric vehicle. These are the most fuel efficient vehicles available for majority of us. While actual configuration may vary due to the design intentions of the manufacturer, they generally combine a small (by regular vehicle standards) gasoline engine with […]