Electric Car Conversion – Don’t Convert Your Car Until You Read This Beginners Advice


Most of the electric cars that we see on the road today are “home made” converted vehicles mainly because there are more people who are showing interest in electric cars by converting their existing gasoline-powered cars to electric-powered ones. Research shows that this may be the result of the sudden influx of numerous web sites that talk about the ELECTRIC CAR CONVERSION phenomenon. In addition, there are other sites that can provide information on how to do conversion, where to get the necessary spare parts for your electric car and more.

Conversion normally uses a Direct Current or DC controller and motor. The one doing the conversion has to decide what voltage the system will run at, which typically ranges between 96 volts to 192 volts. What voltage to use will define the number of batteries the car will require and what kind of motor and controller is appropriate for the vehicle to use.

Typically, the people doing the conversion have what you call a “donor vehicle” that will serve as the platform. Most of the time, the “donor vehicle” is the gasoline-powered car with a manual transmission that gets to be converted. These are the two main factors that have to be considered when choosing what kind of car is a good candidate for a “donor vehicle.”

Knowing all these considerations, it can be concluded that electronic car conversion is not a simple thing to do. But at the same time, it is not impossible to accomplish. All it takes is dedication and commitment combined with the knowledge necessary to perform a successful conversion.

Before proceeding to the conversion process, the one doing it has a lot of decisions to make. One of which is deciding what kind of battery is best for the car. The majority of electric converted cars make use of lead-acid batteries as their main source of electrical power. But there are several different options that are available when it comes to what kind of battery you might want to use on your electric car such as marine deep-cycle lead-acid batteries and golf-cart batteries. Batteries can have a flooded, gelled or absorbed glass mat electrolyte since these kinds of batteries tend to have the lowest cost but also the lowest peak power.

And after the decision on what motor, controller and batteries are made, conversion can start immediately. All you need is a guide book that can help you convert your car every step of the way. It will include all the valuable information you need when it comes to the dos and don’ts of electric car conversion. Tips on how to remove the engine, gas tank, exhaust system, clutch and radiator from the “donor vehicle” will be provided to you at an instant.

So what are you waiting for? Surf the internet now and purchase your know-it-all and do-it-all guide to electric car conversion on line and start converting the old hatchback parked in your garage into a sophisticated, state-of-the-art EV. Act now and don’t be left behind. You don’t know what you’re missing!

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