DIY Tips to Clean Electric Fuel Pump Filter


Fuel pump filter is a small, yet one of the critical components of your car. The purpose of having a fuel pump filter in a vehicle is to stop impurities from reaching the car’s engine. If the fuel pump filter is dirty and clogged, the engine will have starting problems and the engine stops intermittently while running. So, it is important to keep it clean.

Now that you know what is fuel pump filter and importance of keeping it clean, you are all set to get started on cleaning it. But wait, do you know the process and order by which the filter has to be cleaned? If the answer is no, then the following section of the article gives you the step-by-step procedure on how to clean electric fuel pump filter by yourself.

DIY tips to clean

Locate fuel pump in the fuel tank

First, you need to figure out where exactly is the fuel pump filter is located in your vehicle. Usually electric filters are either located inside or close to the tank or at the back of the car – it depends on the manufacturer and model of the car.

Disconnect battery first

This is very important, first you need to disconnect the battery before you start the cleaning procedure because as it is an electric pump, any small spark can ignite the fuel.

Block the fuel pipes to avoid fuel gushing

As you have disconnected the battery, you need to stop fuel from gushing out of the disconnected fuel pipes. For blocking the fuel pipes you can either insert an old pencil, thin cocks or rubber bungs or something that is handy and can fit your fuel pipes.

Remove and clean all filters with petrol

Make sure all filters are cleaned by washing them with fresh petrol. Always use fresh petrol when cleaning the filters. Properly clean the filters; make sure there is no dirt or other contaminants.

Clean inside of the filter with clean rag

Now that you have washed the filters with petrol, don’t leave the filters drenched in petrol. Get a clean lint-free rag and wipe off the inside of the pump.

Check sealing gaskets

When cleaning the filters, check for the sealing gaskets and make sure they are in a good condition. If they are not in a good condition, replace them. Damaged gaskets would result in fuel leakage during its functioning.

Fix it back

Once you are done with the cleaning of filters, fix them back to their original position with the screws provided. Make sure you don’t over tighten the screws of the cover.

You can plan the cleaning of the filters according to the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule provided in the owner’s manual.

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